Camera Shy

This dark comedy follows a corrupt city councilman whose life spins out of control after a mysterious cameraman begins terrorizing him. When no one believes that the cameraman exists, Larry comes to the conclusion that he's a character in his own movie. This inventive comedy satirizes political corruption and the power of ego.

Comedy, 2012, Colour, 91 Minutes

Mark Sawers (IMDB)
Nicolas Wright (IMDB) , Gerard Plunkett (IMDB) , Crystal Balint (IMDB) , Hilary Jardine (IMDB) , Fred Keating (IMDB) , Ted Friend (IMDB) , Lara Gilchrist (IMDB) , Albert Trinh (IMDB) , Elizabeth Nguyen (IMDB) , Stephen Lobo (IMDB) , David Nykl (IMDB) , Michael St. John Smith (IMDB) , Sean Amsing (IMDB) , Yann Bernaquez (IMDB) , C. Ernst Harth (IMDB) , Sean Carey (IMDB) , Adrien Dorval (IMDB) , Stefano Giulianetti (IMDB)
Feature Film